
International Regions & Networks

Indian Region

Our History

Sir R. A. Fisher founded the Biometric Society in 1947 with five regions/groups, comprising Britain, France, Australia, the United States, and India. The Indian Region of the Biometric Society was established with Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis as its President, Dr. C.R. Rao as Secretary, and Dr. Mohanlal Ganguly as Treasurer. India became a region in 1949. The regional committee consisted of well-known Biometricians, P.V. Sukhatme, V.M. Dandekar, K. Kishan, K.R. Nair, V.G. Panse, B. Ramamurthy, P.B. Patnaik, U.S. Nair, and V.D. Thanvi. India lost its regional status and became a National Group after 1951. During subsequent years Drs. V.G. Panse, K. Kishan, A.R. Roy, A.R. Kamat, M.C. Chakravarthy, and Y.S. Sathe worked as National Secretaries till 1977. Prof. G.K. Shukla was the National secretary from 1977 till 1988 and India regained regional status in 1989.

The first Conference of the revived Indian Region of IBS was held under the able leadership of Prof. P.V. Sukhatme as President, Prof. G.K. Shukla as Secretary, and Prof. H. Sridhara as Treasurer in May 1990 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Thereafter Biennial conferences were held regularly. Prof. P.V. Sukhatme continued to lead as President till his demise on 28th January 1997. Soon after, Prof G.K. Shukla took the responsibility to lead the Indian Region as its President (1997-2003); followed by Prof. H. Sridhara (2003-2009); Prof. V.G. Kaliaperumal (2009-2013) and Prof. P. Venkatesan (2013-2020) who further continued amidst Covid-19 pandemic.

The founder secretary of the Indian Region, Prof. C.R. Rao was the President of IBS during 1974-75 and he was honored with Honorary Life Membership of IBS in 1985. Prof. G.K. Shukla served as Editor of the IBS Biometric Bulletin. Dr. Ashwini K. Mathur served as Secretary of IBS. Prof. Ajit Sahai, since 2019 is the Executive Editor of IBS Biometric Bulletin and continuing to serve the second term till 2024. The Indian Region had served and continues to be in the role of IBS Representative Council Membership and also on various standing committees.


Awards instituted: Lifetime Achievement Award; Prof. P.V. Sukhatme Endowment Lecture; Prof. Girija Kant Shukla Young Biometrician award: IBS (IR)- Young Biometrician award: Prof. Ashok Sahai Oration Award and Prof Manju Pandey Ph.D. Scholarship Contingency Grant.

The Region is a member of the East Asian Network of the IBS. 

Since 1990 there were regular Biennial conferences of the Indian region with grand success:

1.     The first Biennial Conference of the revived Indian Region was held at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore in May 1990.

2.     The Second Biennial conference was held at Indian Statistical Institute, (ISI) Calcutta in 1993.

3.     The Third Biennial conference was held at MACS Institute, Pune in 1995.

4.     The Fourth Biennial Conference was held as the Golden Jubilee celebrations of IBS at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur in 1997.

5.     The Fifth Biennial conference was organized jointly with the Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS) at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore in November 1999.

6.     The Sixth Biennial conference was once again organized jointly with the Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS) at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow in November 2001.

7.     The Seventh Biennial conference was held at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Banaras in October 2003.

8.     The Eighth Biennial conference was jointly organized by the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore in October 2005.

9.     The Ninth Biennial conference was held at Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC), an ICMR institute, in Chennai in November 2007.

10.  The Tenth Biennial conference along with Second East Asian Regional Biometric Conference was held at Manipal University, Karnataka in February 2010.

11.  The Eleventh Biennial conference was held at Pondicherry University, Pondicherry in December 2012

12.  The Twelfth Biennial conference was held at the National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), an ICMR institute, in Chennai in December 2013.

13.   The Thirteenth Biennial conference was held at Manipal University, Karnataka in January 2016.

14.  The Fourteenth Biennial conference along with Third East Asian Regional Biometric Conference was held at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry in February 2018.

15.  The Fifteenth Biennial conference was held at the National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), an ICMR institute, in Chennai in November 2021.

16.  The Sixteenth Biennial Conference is due to be organized soon.


Prof. Dr P Venkatesan President
Dr. S. Valarmathi Treasurer
Dr. R. Srinivasan Secretary
Dr. B. Binukumar Biometric Bulletin Correspondent

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