The IBS Distinguished Lecture Series is an ongoing series featuring early career professionals working in the field (within 10 years of PhD completion).
The primary purpose of the Distinguished Lecture Series is to reach out and inspire young people globally through inspiring lectures from younger experienced individuals in the Biostatistical field. Speakers are identified by fellow IBS Members. The IBS Education Committee administers the program.
IBS members may register for each Distinguished Lecture Series webinar free of charge, and also view previous webinar sessions. To see previously-recorded Distinguished Lecture Series sessions, visit the Video Sessions page.
You must be logged in as an IBS member to register. To login, click "Sign In" at the top right corner of this page. Once logged in, a "Click Here to Register" link will appear below. Click on it, then choose R.S.V.P. to confirm your registration, and you're done!
If you need help with your username/password, contact us at
If you would like to join the IBS, please click here to identify the local affiliated biometric society in your region. If a local Region cannot be found, please contact the International Biometric Office to join the IBS directly.